Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Wow! That was Easy!

So today I went to my orthodontics appointment. I've been braced a week now (all but my top molars) and needed to get the spacers removed from the top molars and molar bands put in. I was also expecting for the molar bands to be linked to the other brackets and thought I was getting elastics. Bracing myself for pain I took an ibuprofen and drove across town to my appointment.

First at my appointment they took out my spacers - fast and easy... The assistant then started trying out molar bands for my first upper molars... After about 4 different molar band tries they found ones that fit... They had to kindof hammer them in and I kept having to bite on a stick thing to help the bands go in. Don't know exactly why, it was a little strange but i'm just trying to kind of roll with it. Then they took them off did the whole prep teeth and glue thing then put the molar bands on with same process as before.... Except it was easier the second time as the orthodontist's assistant had kindof worked out which bite angles were most sensitive to avoid and I tried to bite the stick thing as hard as I could to get it over with as fast as possible.

After the molar bands were in the orthodontist checked everything and said it all looked good, good first week progress and told me my first adjustment will be in five weeks. I was surprised they didn't hook up the molar bands but the assistant explained they did a lot at the first appointment with the power springs and all that and that now I get some time to get used to everything. I also was kindof relieved I don't have to have elastics yet. I guess I misunderstood last week... While I need molar bands for elastics, apparently they won't go in until my teeth are straighter... Definitely relieved to not be in pain tonight... Now if only I could chew, though i think the extraction gaps are not helping in that area... Hopefully just a matter of time.

Next orthodontist appointment July 5th... Happy dance over getting to celebrate July 4th weekend camping before that first adjustment... Maybe i'll even get to enjoy a barbecue... ;)

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