Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Eating & Cleaning with Braces (Forsus) Springs

So update on day 1 of forsus. Eating was bizarre at first, I am so glad I had today off work to get used to this appliance. Chewing was tough and some food at first would get caught in the appliance which was a little annoying but it got easier. It's hard to chew and the forsus side teeth do not touch, but overall maybe i'm used to eating softer foods now in small pieces as it wasn't a huge adjustment. What I think will be a lot harder is eating in public, given the food catching in the springs and the need for intensive cleaning right away.

Cleaning was not too bad, it was strange having to hold my lips back to get my electric tooth brush to my second molars and the spring kept moving and creaking in its creepy halloween kind of way. Flossing those second molars was kindof a technique. Even though my upper second molars aren't bracketed, I ended up using a floss threader to get the floss under the spring. To make it easier I used a gum pick first and water pic. Water pic is definitely going to be essential with these springs... But overall the cleaning routine was no harder than the first day of braces and only the teeth neighboring the forsus are sore at this point...


  1. It might be difficult to eat while you're wearing your braces, especially if it is your first time. But, there are certain steps on how to get use to that painful and weird feeling. Eat soft food like yoghurt, peanut butter, and applesauce. It should give you a decent amount of energy, and it is less painful. After that, gradually move to eating more solid food each day, it should feel much better by then.

    Rae Screen

  2. is it normal for the forsus to make a metal scraping sound everytime you open ur mouth to eat, or whilst u are chewing. And in genereal when I speak it makes so much noise its very irritating. Was just wondering if that was normal or not
