Tuesday, October 18, 2011

It's In! Left Side Forsus

So I haven't blogged in forever, didn't post for my last adjustment, which i think was my fourth... Today was my fifth. No wire change for the first time ever, a nice relief for me and probably the assistant and ortho, given how painful my wire adjustments are due to my teeth sensitivity. They put on new power chains which hurt far more than usual it seemed, also clipped my bottom wires. Then came forsus... At first it didn't feel bad just kind of loose then the ortho came over and pushed and wow pain and creepy noises... at one point so loud... that I was like 'what was that?' and the ortho was like 'don't talk right now i'm adjusting...' I think he then realized he was scaring me... He's usually great at telling me what he's doing, which puts my mind at ease, but today not so much. I guess orthos are so used to kids not caring not asking questions, it must be annoying sometimes having adults ask questions and want to know everything. But I think a forsus is invasive and a big deal to any adult. My assistant i've had for 4 out of 5 appointments is wonderful and she explained to me that this time the forsus will start bringing my left teeth at the side on top back and give me chance to get used to the appliance... Then next appointment, I will get a new upper wire with curves in it that will push my front 4 teeth back closing the gaps and reducing my over bite as both sides will be forsused.

So first impressions: some pressure for sure and I want to rip this strange alien device out. Its creeping me out big time, with its creeky scratchy noises and obtrussive feel... Who knew orthodontists could help you look so halloween? I think eating on my left side is going to be tough... Hoping for time to go fast and that I don't have to wear this thing for too long and that it starts to feel normal very soon.


  1. Has your overbite been corrected using forsus? Was it a mild overbite or a severe one?

  2. Has your overbite been corrected using forsus? Was it a mild overbite or a severe one?
